Thursday, July 9, 2020


I raise a toast to our happy memories,
Pluck a purple wildflower,
Place it behind my ear,
I think of you and strum.

I let my curls loose,
Lay down on the shore,
Wait for the ebb to spit the saline water,
Making my body shudder.
I sway, my lips quiver and I clasp my shoulders, not letting go.

I make a sandcastle, digging my hands into the soil,
I suddenly wish it was quicksand, like my mind.
Drowning, gasping for breath.

I dive into the sea,
The tides pushing against my body,
The brackish water forcing me to vent.
I was wrestling the torrent,
Then, I gave up.

I return. 
Gently pluck the strings,
Think of you and strum.

-Stoic Writer

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